Thursday, July 24, 2014

the baby is back from the printers and as you should say she's beautiful!
CITY TRASH # 44 w. FAKE O's, the BLACK CULT, LADY BANANA, BLACK BUG and the UV RACE official celebration and the time to visit its proud parents this saturday at the Vera with all that is wild, raw and rockin', thanks to everybody that helped out!!!
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Monday, July 21, 2014

and this is how we gonna celebrate the release of a new CITY TRASH!!
on stage at the Vera: BERT SCHOLTEN, COMBO KOEDIJK and the UV RACE!!!
this saturday from 2100 till 0400 or something and you will probably get in for free!
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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

full line up CITY TRASH 44, thee magazine, gets completed by BLACK BUG!!

in need of a copy

Saturday, July 5, 2014

new band added to the list of bands that will be featured in CITY TRASH 44....

they also will be playing the City Trash release party at the Vera, july 26th....

Thursday, July 3, 2014

a new tape!! a new tape!!!! Gainesville style..
 photo ROLLNGTAPE_zps872c680c.jpg head on out to the music section for more..
be cool and do like the GOOCH PALMS do!! get yourself some City Trash pinned  on ya!
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when is Europe gonna catch on!!