Thursday, March 31, 2011

Somehow I hope I won't make it to this show but still I might..(April 2nd) in my shitty hometown my friends Dennis mostly known for being really handsome, Peter mostly known for his redness and well Jan mostly known for being Jan..they all play and played together in other bands but they all seem to feel the need to start more bands and back in the day somebody and mostly me would come up with the coolest bandnames it's a thing of the past I guess these three call themselves for whatever reason the Holy Beggars which is just awful..they play at the Castelijn downtown Meppel somewhere round 8 it's one big music fest for 3 days believe me if anything can come close to being semi good this is it so HOLY BEGGARS cafe de Castelijn Meppel!! Hope I won't be seen...


  1. Mooi dat je niet bent gekomen, was het eindelijk weer eens gezellig in Meppel! De Holy Beggars waren trouwens geweldig!

  2. Anonymous?!!? van die familie die heel veel post op het internet??? Peter, Jan of Dennis van de verhalen die ik heb gehoord vond ik het jammer dat ik er niet was maar moest werken en dat vind ik nou eenmaal leuker..aankomende zomer hoorde ik dat er voor mij een herkansing inzit...
